Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Conscious & Subconscious Mind Week- 4 Connect Activity

We have been sharing found and hidden facts about how the conscious and subconscious mindset work. We have discussed their roles and the impact of both and how they affect each of our lives and the descisions that we make and have made. Subconscious mindset equals where we are. We've focused primarily on the subconscious mind because its the subconsciousness that truly impacts our current realities. Our beliefs, our experiences and everything that we have been taught throughout our lives is the area that we must focus our attention in order to get the results that we consciously want in every area of our lives.

Our successes and failures are manufactured in our subconscious minds. You know why its so important that we tapp into what is actually happening in our subconcisous minds? Simply put, it is what we are not aware of that is hindering each of us from living a purposeful,  happy, heathy and in some cases wealthy lives. How about just taking a look at any result or outcome that you desire that you are not or have not been getting? No matter what your action has been, you have some idea, concept, and/or belief about it that has effected the outcome consciously or subconsciously.

You will now get an opportunity to examine or investigate totally how your subconscious mind have and continues to impact your current realities.  Reflect on the following questions:
  1. Are you rich?
  2. Are you successful?
  3. Do you see yourself failing?
  4. Are you living the life you dreamed about?
  5. Do you have the power to shape who you are?
Tell me why you feel the way you do about each question. If your answer is not the desired result. Tell me how you will begin to make changes to attain the result you want. What would you have to consciously do to change your subconscious mindset?

Monday, October 19, 2009

EDU 652 Week-3

This marks the beginning of week 3 of EDU 652, Design and Delivery, a subject area the tends to make me a little shy because I have very little design training and experience but it's always exciting to try something new. Once again, I have the priviledge of being in a class filled with professionals who are expereinced and very knowledgeable. Hands-on E-learning have become my favorite because I am introduced to new tools and get an opporunity to see if I can actually benefit from their usage. Articulate Software is what we a exploring, I will publish soon.

Here to hoping!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

EDU 651 Week 3

I enjoyed discovering the possibilities of using Facebook as an educational tool. There were applications there that I was not aware of and it did open my mind to the possibilities. Many of my classmates are teachers who came up with great ideas on how to use Facebook Apps. to support a learning activitivity for their classes. Like many people who jump on bandwagons without proper information and a plan, I think we can do something that will be engaging for learners of all ages.

We also reviewed an article written by Dian Schaffhauser, that addressed privacy issues for educators online, where a teacher made a comment on her facebook account and thought it was in fact a private comment but was recovered by a news team. This spark a discussion between teachers, parents, adminstrators, and others in regards to free speech. This was an interesting discussion for our class as well. There were different perspectives but it was clear that most believe that teachers have to be responsible at all times about there comments and presence in an online environment.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Facebook EDU 651 Week 3

This has been another surprising week as we explored Facebook a very popular social networking website. I joined Facebook to keep in touch with old friends and new ones alike. But much to my surprise, I discovered how useful Facebook could be as an educational tool. The possibilities are numerous. There are fascinatig applications that make learning and collaborating possible. My perspective has completely changed, however, the challenge still remains how to ensure that students use it for academic purposes.

We took a close look at privacy issues for educators using facebook and some issues that could arise as a result of students' and teachers' facebook pages. We must realized that we have to be careful how we express ourselves digitally just as carefully as we do verbally and physically.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Week-2 Virtual Collaboration EDU 651

Wiki Wiki Wiki was the theme of Week-2. It was an interesting week of learning because I had to rethink everything I thought I knew about the world of wikis. I learned how wikis could add an enormous amount of variety to the learning and collabrative experience for students and collaborative efforts in the work place as well. We had to create 3 possible wiki projects to frame, which was very interesting in itself. The ideas forced me to truly think about ways to solve problems in my current academic environment. We carefully examined the pitfalls of wikis, which we quickly gathered that careful planning, managing and monitoring would help eliminate many of those pitfalls.

This week is primarily about putting the 2.0 to action. We were assigned to create our blog, twitter and PBworks accounts and begin utilizing those tools.

I will admit, as a novice and past skeptic, I am extremely nervous about this wiki project but looking forward to doing something new.

Stay tuned because this is going to get better.

Collaboration & Learning In A Virtual Environment EDU 651 WK-1

Week One of this course was fast paced and introduced me to an enormous amount of new information. We kicked off the week with a Jing PowerPoint introduction to the class which had some challenges for some of us but it was fun once I remembered what to do. We read from one of textbooks providing us with a short history of the internet and how it has evolved into the read/write web it has beome today.

We conducted a SWOT analysis of various technologies presented to us in the 2009 Horizon Report that chronicles technologies that are at there peak and those that will be highly used in 2 years - 5 years. I conducted by SWOT specifically on mobile devices. We conducted a webquest on the top 100 tools for learning 2008 by the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies, which reveal the top used technologies and introduced me to technologies that I don't know how I've managed to live without. I was surprised that I was at least familiar with several tools. I am must excited about Social bookmarking and Presentation Sharing.

From there we learned about the introduction to Wikis and how they have made it possible for everyone to publish, edit, and create. I have looking forward to what is to come and how my perspective has changed completely about how we can use Wikis in any environment on any subject.  

Saturday, June 13, 2009

week 3

It's my 3rd week in my edtech adventure which is what I am calling my new online course journey. I am still trying to figure out how to find time for everything in my life and now taking an online class. It has been challenging but I am very excited. My learning curve is causing me the biggest wow because I didn't know what and how many technologies are used in education. What is the greatest excitement is trying to figure out to use it in my current work environment. We'll get see what I will come up with. I am just glad I did it and am hoping for the best.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Learning Curve

It is very unfortunately when we as educators and parents do not stay on the learning curve of educational technology. I am very guilty of not putting both feet forward with technology. Like many people we worry or confuse the dangers verses the many unique possibilities that basic technology principles can offer. We tell ourselves we need a large technical budget to do creative things but only discover there forums and formats we can use that are not expensive at all.

Here I am to share my adventures in educational technology. The first step begins with throwing all previous knowledge and ignorance aside to not only understand what is out there but how I can use it to help myself, students and my children better utilize technology for positive educational experiences and yes fun.

Join me for my new adventures.